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CPaaS - Communications Platform as a Service


The Solution

CPaaS Industries

  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Energy and Utilities

For Government我们的目标是以最安全的方式连接公民,无论他们身在何处. Rainbow has many certifications, including ISO27001 and HDS-certification, that enable it to host sensitive, personal data. 但这款应用本身的设计是安全的,数据存储和使用都是透明的.

为了增加额外的安全保障,政府机构可以进行探索 Rainbow Edge 私有云托管解决方案,为您的数据提供三种托管模式.

For Healthcare, the goals are to protect the digital ecosystem from cyberattacks, 帮助医疗保健专业人员节省时间并确保设施安全.

In healthcare emergency care always takes priority. 彩虹警报应用程序提供了优先级音频警报和接收收据确认的方法.

For Education的目标是将学生、家长、老师、学校员工和外部干预者联系起来. 这确保了校园里每个人的安全,并有助于防止网络攻击.

ALE开发了一个教育平台,可以虚拟地再现课堂环境,名为 Rainbow Classroom. This solution is ISO27001 certified and GDPR compliant. 

彩虹工作流可以实现对校园的始终在线保护. 该解决方案将连接设备的数据转换为自动通知或操作集.

阿尔卡特朗讯企业版加速航空数字化转型, rail, ITS, ports and logistics operators around the world. We help them to connect their Transportation 具有技术构建块的子系统可为其员工提供更智能的服务, customers and passengers. Today, CPaas技术对智能服务的发展至关重要,可以增强安全保障, increase operations efficiency, improve passenger engagement.
The Energy and Utilities industries supply extremely diverse essential services. Some organisations are focused on extraction, production and storing (oil, gas, electricity, water, mining, nuclear and more), while others are focused on transportation and distribution. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版帮助这些多样化的运营商加速数字化转型. Today, CPaas技术对智能服务的发展至关重要,可以增强安全保障, increase operations efficiency, improve customer engagement.

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